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This article reflects upon psychosis induced by cannabis and other drugs. Cannabis-induced psychosis is a psychological health ailment that can commonly occur after consumption of bulky amounts of cannabis and high-potency cannabis. Drug-induced psychosis refers to psychosis caused by certain drug consumption. Moreover, it reflects upon how long cannabis-induced psychosis lasts and how to recover from psychosis.

How long does cannabis-induced psychosis last?

How long does cannabis-induced psychosis last?

How long does cannabis-induced psychosis last?

Cannabis-induced psychosis is a psychological health ailment that can commonly occur after consuming large doses of cannabis and high-potency cannabis. It is usually termed as CIP and it can last from a few hours to quite a lot of days. The time interval of psychosis induced by cannabis varies from person to person. It may depend upon several aspects such as individual sensitivity and forbearance, method of consumption, effectiveness and amount of cannabis being consumed and pre-presence of psychological ailments.

Psychosis induced by using cannabis might be moderated on its own within 24 to 48 hours. In certain cases it can last for 1 to 2 weeks and rarely it last for several months (usually up to 6 months). However, it is always essential to look for medical attention if the warning signs last longer and worsen with time.

How long does cannabis-induced psychosis last Reddit?

Reddit is a well-known website for public news and negotiations. According to Reddit content psychosis caused by cannabis consumption may persist from several hours to several months depending upon the individual tolerance and occurrence of cannabis use. 

Some significant aspects of duration of psychosis induced by cannabis are given here:

  • Severe psychosis may persist for up to one month and it may cause more severe and penetrating symptoms.
  • Prolonged psychosis may last up to months and over years, particularly in everyday cannabis users it might be persistent. 
  • You might suffer from psychosis symptoms even after terminating cannabis use.
  • In some rare cases, psychosis induced by cannabis may generate certain primary psychological health ailments like schizophrenia.

How long does drug-induced psychosis last?

The time interval of psychosis induced by certain drugs may depend upon several aspects such as

  • The quantity of drugs being consumed
  • Discrete sensitivity and forbearance
  • Potential special effects of drugs

In most cases, the effects of the drug may last in a day after consuming the drug but in certain rare cases, its effects may last up to more than a few weeks. Some drugs may activate certain primary psychological health ailments, such as schizophrenia.

How long to recover from psychosis Reddit?

How long to recover from psychosis Reddit?

How long to recover from psychosis Reddit?

According to Reddit content recovery from psychosis can be different among individuals depending upon unpredictable aspects. A general guideline is given here for describing the duration of recovery from psychosis:

  • Patients with psychosis induced by any drug may take a few hours to several months or even several years to recover properly.
  • Patients suffering from schizophrenia may get well in six months or an extended time period.
  • Short-term psychosis disorders frequently take a few months to recover fully.
  • Patients with bipolar disorders may take several weeks to several months for recover.
  • Post-delivery psychosis can also be improved in several months.
  • Duration of recovery from depression with certain psychotic indications may last from several months to years.

How long cannabis-induced psychosis last?

Psychosis disorders induced by cannabis use are not everlasting. The symptoms can be easily lessened by discontinuing cannabis use or by taking certain medications. However, there might be a danger of developing schizophrenia permanently in cannabis users. Psychosis induced by cannabis may persist from several hours to several months depending upon the individual strength and forbearance of cannabis use. 

  • Severe psychosis caused by cannabis use may persist for up to one month and it may cause more severe and intense symptoms.
  • Prolonged psychosis caused by cannabis use may last up to months and over years, particularly in everyday cannabis users.
  • Symptoms of psychosis may last even after terminating cannabis use.
  • In some rare cases, psychosis induced by cannabis may generate certain primary psychological health ailments like schizophrenia.

How long until drug-induced psychosis lasts?

The extent of psychosis induced by certain drugs may vary among individuals depending upon several factors such as the amount of drug being consumed, type of drug, individual sensitivity and forbearance. Here is a general duration guideline given below referring to certain types of drugs.


Psychosis caused by cannabis use may last from certain hours to several days and weeks. In some rare cases, it can persist for a long time.


Psychosis caused by opiates usually remains in the system with the presence of the drug and might be moderated during withdrawal. 


Psychosis caused by prolonged alcohol use may last up to several days, weeks or even months.


Psychosis caused by methamphetamine can generally last from a few hours to several weeks. In some cases, psychosis caused by this drug may last up to six months.

Other drugs:

Psychosis caused by all other drugs may last for a few hours to several months and years. In some rare cases, psychosis induced by certain drugs may be permanent.

Although these approximations and timelines may vary depending upon varying circumstances. It is essential to seek medical attention if the symptoms continue and get worse over time.

How long until drug-induced psychosis lasts?

How long until drug-induced psychosis lasts?

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It has been concluded from this article that cannabis-induced psychosis and other drug-induced psychosis may persist from several hours to several months depending upon the individual strength and frequency of cannabis use. The time interval of cannabis-induced psychosis may depend upon several aspects such as individual sensitivity and tolerance, method of consumption, potency and amount of cannabis being consumed, using any co-occurring compound and pre-existence of psychological ailments. It will be significant to consider who is at risk of having psychosis. 


Who is at threat of having psychosis?

Anyone who uses cannabis and certain other drugs for the long term, may have the risk of having psychosis. Substantial and everyday users of cannabis and the patients who have history of psychological health illness may have more threat of psychosis.

What are the most important indications of psychosis?

Misbeliefs, hallucinations, fear, unsystematic thinking, delusions, stress and anxiety are the foremost symptoms of psychosis.

How can psychosis be cured?

Psychosis can be generally cured by

  • Medicines
  • Stopping cannabis use,
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Hospitalization in severe cases

Can psychosis lead to other psychological health disorders?

Yes, in certain rare cases, cannabis-induced psychosis may activate serious psychological health ailments such as schizophrenia.


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