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This article reflects upon the shelf life of CBD oil in general and the duration of its effects on the human body. CBD oil may last for several months up to years if stored properly in a cool and dark place. The effect of CBD oil on the human body can last from a few hours to quite a lot of days. Moreover, how long CBD oil stays in the human body system has also been described.  

Let’s explore how does CBD oil lasts.

CBD oil lasts

CBD oil lasts

How Long Does CBD Oil Last:

CBD oil may last for several months up to years if stored properly in a cool and dark place. The stability of cannabis oil may depend on numerous factors such as packaging of CBD oil, pureness and excellence, storage conditions and carrier oil in which CBD oil is being mixed.

Carrier Oil:

CBD oil is usually mixed up with any other oil such as hemp oil or coconut oil. These carrier oils may affect the stability of CBD oil.

Transparency and Quality:

CBD Oils that are made with proper refinement and extraction are often considered high-quality oil and they tend to last longer.

Storing environments:

Storing conditions may also affect the stability of CBD oil. It may tend to last longer if it is stored in a dark and cool place. Despite this, if it is exposed to moisture, heat, and sunlight it will probably decay soon.


Proper packing also plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of cannabis oils. CBD oils which are preserved in obscure glass bottles and have close-fitting seals may tend to last longer.

Some significant time approximations have been given here for describing the average shelf life of CBD oils

  • CBD oils can be preserved for up to 2 years if it is stored properly in a dark and cool place such as in a drawer or a cupboard.
  • It can be preserved for 6 to 12 months if it is stored at a moderate temperature and exposed to a little sunlight.
  • CBD oils can be preserved for 3 to 6 months even if is are stored in moisture, high temperatures or being exposed to direct sunlight.

An expired CBD oil might have decreased effectiveness and it might be discolored. It often has disgusting taste and smell. So it is always recommended to look for manufacturing and expiry date before using any CBD oil.

How Long Does The Effect Of CBD Oil Last?

The effect of CBD oil can last from a few hours to quite a lot of days. The time interval of effects induced by cannabis oil may depend upon several aspects such as individual sensitivity and tolerance, method of consumption, potency and amount of cannabis being consumed, using any co-occurring compound and pre-existence of psychological ailments.

The effects of CBD oil may usually moderate on its own within 24 to 48 hours. In certain cases, it can last for 1 to 2 weeks and rarely it can last for several months (usually up to 6 months). However, it is essential to look for medical attention if the symptoms last longer and worsen with time.

How Long Does The Effect Of CBD Oil Last

How Long Does The Effect Of CBD Oil Last

How long does CBD Oil stay in your system:

CBD oil consumption in your system may vary among individuals depending upon various factors. It can stay in your system for 2 to 4 days, 1 to 2 weeks or even for 3 to 4 weeks. Several factors affect the duration of CBD stay in your system. These factors include dosage of CBD, method of consumption of CBD, body fat, metabolism, and hydration, etc.

Dosage of CBD:

CBD oil stays in your system depending on what dosage of CBD you are getting. Lower doses last for little time while higher doses may be long lasting.

Method of Consumption:

If CBD oil is consumed by vaping or inhalation then it may stay for a shorter period, however, if it is consumed orally as capsules or edibles, it can stay for a longer time in the human body system.

Body fats:

If CBD oil accumulates in body fats, it can stay for a longer time. CBD is fat soluble (lipophilic), so it may be easily accumulated in blood fat.


The rate of metabolism in the body also affects the CBD oil’s stay in your system. If the body’s metabolism is high then CBD oil can be processed and eradicated quickly from the body.


Hydration of the body may also affect metabolism and CBD stays in your body. If you are taking plenty of water, you can easily flush CBD content from your body.

Commonly, CBD oil can be flushed out from the body in between 7 and 10 days. CBD oil stays in the human body depending upon how much a person consumes CBD and in what way it is consumed. Despite all, it is essential to take a prescribed dosage by your healthcare professional.

How Long Does CBD Oil Last Before It Expires?

The expiration of CBD oil may depend on various factors such as:

How Long Does CBD Oil Last Before It Expires

How Long Does CBD Oil Last Before It Expires?

Storing Environments:

Storing conditions may also affect the expiration of CBD oil. It may tend to last longer if it is stored in a dark and cool place. Despite this, if it is exposed to moisture, heat, and sunlight it will probably decay soon.


Proper packing also plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of cannabis oils. CBD oils which are preserved in obscure glass bottles and have close-fitting seals may tend to last longer.

An expired CBD oil might have decreased effectiveness and it might be discolored. It often has disgusting taste and smell. So it is always recommended to look for manufacturing and expiry date before using any CBD oil.

How Long Does CBD Oil Last In Dogs?

CBD oil is being used for treating stress and anxiety in dogs as well as in humans. CBD oil sounds very effective in alleviating anxiety and stress in dogs. It has certain calming effects that help dogs to control aggression. CBD oil in dogs can last up to 2 years depending upon the storage and quality of CBD oil being consumed.

Read More: How to Make Cannabis Tincture (Step-by-Step)


It has been concluded by the article that CBD oil may last for several months up to years if stored properly in a cool and dark place. The stability of cannabis oil may depend on numerous factors such as packaging of CBD oil, pureness and excellence, storage conditions and carrier oil in which CBD oil is being mixed. However, it will be significant to consider that what are the major side effects associated with CBD oil usage.


What are the side effects of using CBD oils?

There might be certain side effects of using CBD oils such as dry mouth, overactive appetite dizziness etc.

Can we make CBD Oil in Pakistan?

The production of cannabis oil is considered illegal in Pakistan so we cannot make CBD oil in Pakistan by its legal constraints.

Can we store homemade CBD oil for a longer time?

Homemade CBD oil can be stored for up to six months if stored properly at room temperature in a closed container or an airtight jar

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