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This article reflects upon the making of cannabis tincture. We can easily make cannabis tincture by following some basic recipes. They can be made non-alcoholic by using glycerin or MCT oil instead of alcohol. It is also essential to store the tincture in a dark and cool place. Moreover, the making of cannabis tincture in a crock pot and with cannabis distillate has also been described here.

Let’s uncover How to Make Cannabis Tincture.

Cannabis Tincture

Cannabis Tincture

How to Make Cannabis Tincture:

The process of manufacturing cannabis tincture involves soaking cannabis in alcohol to extract its active compounds.

A simple recipe for making cannabis tincture has been given here:

The material required for this purpose includes a glass jar with a lid, One cup of cannabis trims or flowers, Two cups of 80% concentrated alcohol, and cheesecloth for filtration.

The first step of making cannabis tincture is decarboxylation. In this process, you have to de-carboxylate your cannabis product which means you have to decarb the cannabis product by baking or heating it in the oven at 240 degrees Fahrenheit to transform it into its counterparts like CBD or THC. When cannabis is decarbed prior, the cannabinoids such as CBD and THC work more effectively. Make a fine consistency of the decarbed cannabis by grinding it. After making it fine, put the ground cannabis into the glass jar and pour alcohol over it to the extent that I might cover the whole cannabis.

Now place the glass jar in a dark and cool place for at least 2 to 6 weeks.  Monitor the glass jar regularly and shake it once a day. After 6 weeks strain the cannabis alcohol mixture by a fine-mesh sieve or a cheesecloth and pour it into a bowl. You can repeat the straining twice for better outcomes. Your cannabis tincture is ready. Store the tincture in a dark glass dropper and put away the solids of the mixture.

How to Make Cannabis Tincture in a Crockpot:

The process of manufacturing cannabis tincture in a crock pot offers an effective way for extracting its active compounds.

A simple recipe for making cannabis tincture in a crock pot has been given here:

The material required for this purpose includes a crock pot, a glass jar with a lid, One cup of cannabis trims or flowers, Two cups of 80% concentrated alcohol, and cheesecloth for filtration.

The first step of making cannabis tincture in a crock pot is decarboxylation. In this process, you have to de-carboxylate your cannabis product which means you have to decarb the cannabis product by baking or heating it in the oven at 115 degrees centigrade to transform it into its counterparts like CBD or THC. Place the alcohol and cannabis together in a crock pot and set it to the lowest heat for at least 24 to 48 hours. Strain the cannabis alcohol mixture with a fine-mesh sieve or a cheesecloth and pour it into another glass jar. Store the cannabis tincture in a dropper in a dark and cool place.

How to Make Cannabis Tincture in a Crockpot

How to Make Cannabis Tincture in a Crockpot

How to Make Cannabis Tincture Non-Alcoholic:

Cannabis tincture can be made with no alcohol. To make it nonalcoholic you have to use coconut oil or glycerin for soaking cannabis instead of alcohol. Combine the glycerin with water in a saucepan and heat it continuously until the glycerin dissolves properly in water. Then add cannabis into it and continue stirring for at least 30 to 40 minutes at low temperature. Now you can strain the cannabis tincture with a cheesecloth or any other filter. Your nonalcoholic cannabis tincture is ready.

How to make cannabis tincture with Levo 2:

Making cannabis tincture with Levo 2 involves adding glycerin or any other carrier oil to cannabis trim. Cannabis tincture made by Levo 2 is also made nonalcoholic as no alcohol is included in this process. You just simply have to add MCT oil or glycerin for soaking cannabis in the Levo machine and set it to infuse. This process requires infusion typically at 165 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 3 to 5 hours. After infusion dispense the mixture by the dispense button of the Levo machine and store it in a dark and cool place. It is also recommended to gently shake the cannabis tincture made by Levo 2.

How to make cannabis tincture with glycerin:

Cannabis tincture can also be made by soaking it in glycerin instead of alcohol. This method offers nonalcoholic cannabis tincture manufacturing. Combine the glycerin with water in a saucepan and heat it continuously until the glycerin dissolves properly in water. Then add cannabis into it and continue stirring for at least 2 to 3 hours at low temperature. Now you can strain the cannabis tincture with glycerin with a cheesecloth or any other filter. Store the tincture in a dark and cool place.

How to make cannabis tincture with glycerin

How to make cannabis tincture with glycerin

How to Make Cannabis Tincture with Distillate:

Cannabis tincture with distillate can easily be made by combining the well-calculated area of distillate with glycerin or any other solvent. Heating is not involved in this process but measuring of solvent and distillate must be accurate for making cannabis tincture with distillate. Ethanol may also be used for this purpose as a solvent.

How to Make Cannabis Tincture using MCT oil:

Cannabis tincture can be easily made by using MCT oil instead of alcohol or glycerin for soaking. Put the desired amount of cannabis in a glass jar and put MCT oil over it as it can cover the decarboxylated cannabis. Now place the glass jar in a dark and cool place for at least 2 to 4 weeks.  Monitor the glass jar regularly and shake it once a day. After 4 weeks strain the cannabis alcohol mixture by a fine-mesh sieve or a cheesecloth and pour it into another glass jar. Your cannabis tincture with MCT oil is ready.

How to Make Cannabis Butter with Tincture:

Cannabis butter with cannabis tincture can be made by combining cannabis butter with cannabis tincture. This process involves making cannabis butter by using decarbed ground cannabis and mixing it with butter. After your cannabutter is ready, you can add cannabis tincture to it. Then store it in a dark and cool place for future use.

Read More: How to make cannabis tincture with glycerin


It has been concluded by thy article that cannabis tinctures can be easily made by following some specific recipes. They can be made non-alcoholic by using glycerin or MCT oil instead of alcohol. It is also essential to store the tincture in a dark and cool place. It will be significant to consider what is meant by the decarboxylation of cannabis


What is meant by the decarboxylation of cannabis?

In the process of decarboxylation of cannabis, you have to de-carboxylate your cannabis product which means you have to decarb the cannabis product by baking or heating it in the oven at 115 degrees centigrade to transform it into its counterparts like CBD or THC.

What are the essential ingredients needed to make cannabis tincture?

The material required for this purpose includes a glass jar with a lid, One cup of cannabis trims or flowers, Two cups of 80% concentrated alcohol, and cheesecloth for filtration.

Does cannabis tincture have any illegal constraints?

There might be certain legal and illegal considerations of its use as cannabis products contain a certain amount of THC which is prohibited under some jurisdictions. Always follow regulations and local laws before making and using cannabis tinctures.


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